Past Events

Undercurrents is an afternoon of dance, physical comedy and dance theater by Carol Kueffer and ChingChi Yu with live music by violist Linda Green. Highlights include a number of premieres and re-worked revivals by both artists. There will be a showing at 2:30 of sculptures in the lobby by Norman Moore in stainless steel, glass mosaic and handmade paper. This will be a multi-discipline event that takes the audience on a physical and emotional wild ride.
When: 3/9 and 3/10 3 pm. Art exhibit opens at 2:30 pm
Where: Western Sky Studio, Berkeley
Taylor Bazile, Chi Chi Chang, Johnny Cox, Rosika Dater-Merton, Clairey Evangelho, Lisa Bush Finn, Anna Gichan (courtesy of Axis), Carol Kueffer, SanSan Kwan, Laura Marlin, Robin Nasatir, Catalina O’Connor, ChingChi Yu
Violist: Linda Green
Artwork: Norman Moore

Teaching Forms and Play on August 8th
Class Description:
Whole-body Expression
What “stories” can we tell with movement? In this class, we explore ways to help enrich our dancing and storytelling through our bodies and presence. We play theater games as tools to break the barrier and tap into our inner child, freeing us to be curious and have fun. The games can also serve as inspiration, providing
When: 8/8/23 Tuesday 10-11:30 AM
Where: Shawl-Anderson Dance Center 2704 Alcatraz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Shawl-Anderson Dance Center | Adult Dance Classes
Register at UNION.FIT

Dance A Rama
Avilee Goodwin
Carol Kueffer-Moore
Chingchi Yu and Dancers
Claudine Naganuma's company dNaga
Evangel King
Mary Reid
Shahrzad Khorsandi
The Ruth Botchan Dance Company
When: Sunday, May 7, 2023, 2 pm
Where: Western Sky 2525 Eighth Street, Berkeley, CA
Ticket: FREE! No need to reserve tickets. Just come and have fun! (Masks are required)

AAPI Heritage Month Performance Salon
Emma Quan Dewey
Megan Lowe
Johnny Nguyen
Meghana Ravikumar
Chingchi Yu with movement collaborators Johnny Cox, SanSan Kwan, Catalina O'Connor, Emma Tome
Q & A following the performance:
Melecio Estrella - Artistic Director of Bandaloop and SADC teacher - will lead the Q & A
When: 5/6/23 Friday 8pm
Where: Shawl-Anderson Dance Center 2704 Alcatraz Ave, Berkeley, CA 94705
Ticket: $15 via EventBrite

Sara Rudner: Open Studio
as part of Encounters Over 60 hosted by
Margaret Jenkins Dance Company
March 4 – Open Studio 1:00pm–3:00pm followed by Q&A
City Dance Studios – 60 Brady Street, SF
Tickets: Free. Pls RSVP:
An informal open studio of Sara Rudner’s Studio Time workshop. Observers are free to come and go from 1pm to 3pm, as the workshop participants explore improvisations, base material, and deconstructions that have manifested during their two-week long workshop. The open studio will be followed by a Q&A with the artist and workshop participants about the process and discoveries made.

RAWdance Concept series: 29
Friday, February 17 at 8pm
Saturday, February 18 at 3pm & 7pm
The Green Room at the SF War Memorial
401 Van Ness Ave, 2nd Fl. San Francisco
Tickets: Pay-What-You-Can
RAWdance presents the CONCEPT series: 29 Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
City of Berkeley Artist Projects Grantee Showcase 9/23/2022 9AM-3PM
Lisa Mezzacappa Ann Holsberry (video) Craig Nagasawa Paulina Berczynski Lena Wolff Jordan Rowen-Keren Faye Carol Kit Young & Angela P. Harris Erika Chong Shuch Paige Starling Sorvillo Michai Freeman Suzi Garner Philip Gotanda Irene Sazer Lynne-Rachel Altman Sudhanshu Tewari Orin Rutchick Emmy Scharlatt Joseph Warner Sonia Gill Bruce Bierman Isaiah Mostafa Lucy Jane Bledsoe Molly Rose-Williams Mary White Susie Meserve Chingchi Yu
Highlight Reel:

Dance Before the Camera
Five Short Site Specific Dance Videos
When: May 20th and May 21st 8 pm 2022
Where: Western Sky Studio, 2525 Eighth Street #13A, Berkeley
Admission: $15. https://www.tickettailor. com/events/carolkueffermoore/ 693361
Featuring works by Carol Kuefer/Dylan Moore, Kate Mitchell, Alisa Rasera/David Gaylord, Chingchi Yu, Randee Paufve/Molly Rose-Williams/Julia Sweeney

Asian American Dance Showcase: Love & Unity
Presented by the Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center as part of the 25th annual United States of Asian America Festival
Generations of Power
When: Saturday, May 14th 2022 1:00-2:00 PM
Where: Japantown Peace Plaza, San Francisco
Admission Free
Featuring: ChingChi Yu, Danny Nguyen, Yayoi Kambara, and Claudine Naganuma
When: Sunday, May 1st 2022, 3 pm
Where: Western Sky Studio, 2525 Eighth Street #13A, Berkeley
Admission: $10. Buy tickets for Dance-a-Rama 2022 at Berkeley Moving Arts (Western Sky Studio), Sun May 1, 2022 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM (
Avilee Goodwin with Betsy Strome
Carol Kueffer-Moore
Chingchi Yu
Claudine Naganuma and dNaga
Mary Reid
Ruth Botchan Dance Company
Shahrzad Khorsandi
For the health and safety of all, proof of vaccination and booster, as well as ID, will be required at the door. Masks will be required as well.
You're Invited! Celebration of the Gateway to California

Please join us for a celebration of the Gateway to California, by Alameda artist Norman Moore, installed at Jean Sweeney Park last spring. The two 16 foot concrete columns covered in blue mosaic depicting life in the kelp forests and Pacific waves crashing. The breakers reach high up to the sky, supporting red capitals representing land. It speaks to Alameda's position as an island giving it a relationship to land and ocean.
Expect to enjoy live music by Calle Ocho Porch Band, dance performances by Carol Kueffer-Moore, Chingchi Yu and Tara Pilbrow, and a Q&A with the artist.
What: Celebration of the Gateway to California artwork
When: Friday, October 22, 2021, 5:30-6:30pm
Where: Gateway to California (west end of Jean Sweeney Park, near the 8th Street entrance)
All are welcome! Consistent with CDC guidelines for crowded outdoor settings, attendees are recommended to wear a mask.

The screenings of my new dance film, Grove

Veil of Water again! Dance-A-Rama 5/5/2019. FREE!

"Veil of Water" has gotten great feedback. Many people have told me that they were so moved by the piece. I felt that our hard work really paid off! If you haven't seen it yet, no fear! The amazing Carol Kuefer and I will perform this dance again at Western Sky Studio on Sunday 5/5 3 pm as part of Dance-A-Rama.
What: 20th Anniversary Performance of Dance-a-Rama
When: Sunday, May 5, 2019, Program A from 2 to 3 pm, Program B from 3 to 4 pm. Come to both or just one. We are at the 3 pm show. Reception to follow.
Where: Western Sky Studio, 2525 Eighth Street, Berkeley, CA
Who: 10 choreographers will be presenting works of modern dance, dance theater, belly dance and more.
2 pm--Lucia August, Treve Johnson, Mary Reid, Sabah Ensemble, Piper Thompsson
3 pm--Ruth Botchan Dance Company, dNaga’s Peace Project, Jetta Martin, Molly Rose-Williams, Chingchi Yu
How much: FREE!!
Info: 510-848-487
Saturday, April 13th 2019 | 8pm
Sunday, April 14th 2019 | 5pm
Join us for an exciting evening of dance and theater produced and curated by long-time Bay Area choreographer and teaching artist, Laura Renaud-Wilson!
Randee Paufve
Angela Demmel and Dancers
Kimiko Guthrie
Dawn Holtan
Chingchi Yu
Laura Renaud-Wilson

SADC Winter Salon 2018
After a year of hard work, I'm finally ready to share my new duet "Veil of Water". It's been so much fun and inspiring working with my amazing collaborator Carol Kueffer. We have a lot to share with you! Come check it out on 12/15/18 at Shawl Anderson, 2 shows: 6pm & 8pm. Ticket link below:
Shawl-Anderson Dance Center's Quarterly Salon series brings together seven local choreographers for a curated night of dance. With two performances in one night, audiences have an opportunity to connect and witness the diversity of modern and contemporary dance artists in the Bay Area.
The 2018 Winter Salon features:
Jessi Barber
Bellwether Dance Project
KJ Dahlaw
Roxanne Gray
Kristin Damrow & Company
Michael D. Lee
Chingchi Yu
Sisters & Druthers

As part of the Dance Up Close/East Bay series, Shawl-Anderson Dance Center presents: Sisters and Druthers
Dances by Ann DiFruscia, Carol Kueffer, and Chingchi Yu
Sat., November 12 @ 8pm and Sun., November 13 @ 7pm
BERKELEY, CA September 2016 -- Dance Up Close/East Bay presents Sisters and Druthers, an evening of original dance by Ann DiFruscia, Carol Kueffer, and Chingchi Yu at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center in Berkeley, November 12-13, 2016. Three seasoned choreographers, whose experience and careers have spanned over four decades, have formed an alliance to create and produce an evening of new and old work.
Each choreographer has drawn from her life history and fashioned a unique narrative that enhances, balances, and complements each other’s work. What unifies them is their undying commitment and love for dance in all of its styles and constructs: from class to rehearsal to stage; from the intimacy and reverence that evolves from years of practice to the enduring and life-long friendships that are created from that trust and love.
Sisters and Druthers is presented inside Shawl-Anderson Dance Center, a former home transformed into a space for dance in 1967. With its welcoming quality and long history, Shawl-Anderson is the perfect space to experience this evening of story-telling and luscious, spirited, and vulnerable dance. Audiences are invited to the pre-show and after-show to listen to the evocative and unique vocal stylings and playing of Sophia Moore, while enjoying a glass of wine and bite-size delectables.

featuring special Guest Mama Bay Area Choreographers each weekendFriday October 15 & Saturday October 16, 8 PM
Sunday October 17, 7 PM
Friday October 22 & Saturday October 23, 8 PM
Sunday October 24, 3 PM & 7 PMShawl Anderson Dance Center
2704 Alcatraz Avenue, Berkeley
(510) 654-5921
Tickets: $15 general, $12 students and seniorsMamaLOVE ensemble: Kimiko Guthrie, Dawn Holtan, Heather Lukens, Nadia Oka, Laura Renaud-Wilson, Lily Storm, Rebecca Wilson
Come to both weekends! Each weekend, three exciting Bay Area Choreographers will join us with short works about their perspectives on motherhood:
Special Guest Mama Choreographers:
Oct 15-17: Tammy Cheney, Dana Lawton, Chingchi Yu
Oct 22-24: Mary Carbonara, Laura Elaine Ellis, Suzanne Gallo, Laura Renaud-Wilson
MamaLOVE: Seeds of Winter mines and fractures old myths, fairy tales and lullabies about motherhood to excavate what is still potent for today's world as we wrestle with age-old concerns about love, loss, attachment and individuation. Born from a seven-women ensemble of dancers, actresses, singers and writers, this will be an evening of haunting, hilarious and sensuous dance-theater for everyone.
This project is supported by a residency at Shawl-Anderson Dance Center and grants from Theatre Bay Area CA$H grant, the Zellerbach Family Fund, the East Bay Community Foundation,
an anonymous foundation as well as many generous individual donors.