Current & Upcoming Events

30 Points of View hosted by Luna Dance & Creativity

Photo credit by Doug Kaye
Photo credit by Doug Kaye

Open rehearsal as part of 30 Points of View sharing my creative process at Luna Dance & Creativity. Come check it out!

When: March 18th Tuesday 11 am
Cost: FREE
Where: Luna Dance & Creativity. 931 Ashby Ave, Berkeley, CA



I made some wacky movement theater pieces during the Milkbar Summer Intensive workshop and would love to share them with you. I know my work is usually on the quirky side, but never this wacky.  Wanna come check them out?

SATURDAY August 10th 5:30pm
at the Milkbar: 241A S. 1st St in Richmond CA
with an informal reception afterwards!!
Food is FREE too!

dancearama 2024--flyer v5--mail version
On Sunday May 5th, we'll be celebrating the 25th anniversary of Dance-a-Rama!  Please come see dances by Avilee Goodwin, Carol Kueffer-Moore, Chingchi Yu, Claudine Naganuma & dNaga Dance Company, Evangel King, Mary Reid, Jetta Martin & Liz Anne Roman Roberts, Sabah Ensemble, and Ruth Botchan Dance Company. 
I will show Veil of Water. I hold this quirky, nostalgic duet very close to my heart! 
25th annual Dance-a-Rama!
When: Sunday, May 5, 2p.m
Where:  Western Sky Studio, 2525 Eighth Street #13A (at Dwight) in Berkeley
Admissions: FREE!!  Space is limited, please come early to secure your seat!